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For customers who’ve had their vehicles ceramic coated or had the Forge purify and want to keep it maintained correctly ensuring it keeps standards at that level.
To qualify for this discounted maintenance your vehicle must be booked every 4 weeks or less. If 4 week mark is passed you must add advanced Maintenance allowing up to 6 weeks.
Every 5/6000 miles or 6 month whichever comes first you will require a decontamination.
This will provide you with:
• Wheels, arches and tyres cleaned.
• Pre wash, snow foam and rinse.
• 3 bucket safe wash using PH neutral shampoo.
• Soft brush in intricate gaps.
• Ceramic booster to protect the ceramic coating.
• Tyres dressed.
• Windows cleaned inside and out.
• Interior thoroughly hoovered.
• Interior wiped over with Apc
•Air freshener applied.
You will still require a full decontamination wash every 6 months or 5k miles which ever comes first.
• Small car - £65 • Medium car - £70
• Large car - £75 • Xtra Large car - £80
For Advanced Maintenance / 4-6 weeks Add £20
For Decontamination (5-6k Miles /6months) Add £50
An exterior only mini wash just to top up and keep you looking fresh when the weather and roads just cause so much dirt you need a top up.
This will still give you the safe wash you need and ensure no scratches are put onto the paintwork.
• Wheels cleaned, rinse, snow foamed and washed with a soft mitt.
• Pre wash and snow foam to break loose dirt from the paint.
• Rinsed down, 2 bucket safe washed with PH neutral shampoo and extra plush soft mitt.
• soft brush edges and gaps.
• Soft towel dried.
• Glass cleaned
• Tyres dressed
• Small £30 • Medium £35
• Large £40 • Extra Large £45
This service will be very limited availability and will require dropping by after other jobs, ideally suited if you need weekly or a two week refresh.
Both of these services are only available to customer who have received ceramic coating, machine polishing or the Forge purify valet.
Copyright © 2023 Forge Valeting - All Rights Reserved.
Company Number: 15017393